Prices of Taiko Drums
These prices are pre-Brexit. As I get my skins from Germany, current prices will be more to allow for import duty and taxes.
Okedo style drum, approx. 570mm diameter, 530mm high complete
with stand and pair of bachi £750 each
or, for four or more £690 each
Shime style drum, approx 350mm diameter, 210 or 270mm high, complete
with stand and pair of bachi, rope-tightened £480 each
Shime, as above but bolt-tightened £560 each
Odaiko style drum, approx 725mm dia. 1015mm high, complete with high stand
and pair of bachi £2200 each
Okedo style drum in kit form, ready to be made up, including stand and bachi £480 each
Shime style kits, as above £340 each
Replacement skins for Okedo £195 each
Replacement skins for Shime £125 each
Other sizes for drums can be made and will be quoted for on request.
Low vertical stand for okedo £75
Low horizontal stand for okedo £150
High horizontal stand for okedo £290
Single-headed fan drum, with wooden handle.
Cost to include single bachi
11" diameter £95
12" diameter £105
13" diameter £115
14" diameter £125
15" diameter £135
16" diameter £160
No VAT will be charged
Delivery on orders over £5000 free of charge.